Mastering Energy

William Faloon

William Faloon

Co-Founder Life Extension Buyers Club, Inc. and Society for Rescue of Our Elders (

Since 1980, Bill Faloon and The Life Extension Foundation have uncovered pioneering approaches for preventing and treating the diseases of aging.

These avant-garde advances were meticulously chronicled in Life Extension’s publications many years before conventional doctors recognized them. In order to enlighten supporters to these life-saving therapies, Bill Faloon compiled a 1500-page medical reference book titled Disease Prevention and Treatment that is now in its 5th printed edition.

To educate the public about Life Extension’s innovative medical protocols, Bill Faloon has been featured in hundreds of media appearances including The Phil Donahue Show, The Joan Rivers Show, Tony Brown’s Journal, ABC News Day One, and Newsweek magazine. A review of what Bill Faloon and The Life Extension Foundation has accomplished over the past 37 years reveals just how badly conventional medicine lags behind lifesaving scientific advances. Bill Faloon has author authored books exposing the atrocities committed against the American publish by FDA bureaucrats, including Pharmocracy, which reveals how corrupt deals and misguided medical regulations are bankrupting America and what can be done to resolve it. Back in 1980, few scientists believed that anything could be done to prevent the degenerative effects inflicted by aging.

To counter this misconception, William Faloon pointed to then-current scientific studies showing that it was possible to prevent some age-related diseases and to slow the aging process itself, at least in animals. He argued that if enough funds were committed to research, therapies to retard human aging could be developed that would result in the greatest revolution in medical history. Being controversial carries a heavy price. The federal government raided his facilities twice, initiated an 11-year criminal investigation, and threw him and Saul Kent in jail in 1991. When the FDA conducted its first armed raid in 1987, the Life Extension Foundation had only 4,000 members.

Thanks to publicity generated by the FDA’s actions, this number grew to 25,000 members by the time his criminal indictments were dismissed in 1995. LEF now has over 300,000 supporters to who its mails its monthly Life Extension Magazine to.Support for the nonprofit Life Extension Foundation is at an all-time high because people are becoming aware that recommendations published by Life Extension in the early 1980s are now scientifically validated and many even accepted by the medical establishment.

Bill Faloon’s priority today is accelerating regenerative medicine research projects. Based on published findings in animal models and preliminary findings in people, there may already exist methods to systemically reverse biological aging. Bill Faloon’s will provide an update on these rejuvenation initiatives during his Healthy Masters talk on December 2, 2017.